Monday 10 June 2013

The Imminent Debate: Xbox One or Playstation 4?

We all know that we are on the brink (if not already fully in the midst) of a battle between the Xbox One and the Playstation 4. Details are still hazy at the moment but which one are you leaning towards at the moment? Lets see what the current state of play is for both consoles at this time.

Xbox One

- Each disc will hold its own licence. This means that it will be harder to use the same disc on another console or effectively buy a used game. The only option to take in this instance would be to make use of their Microsoft's 'transfer system'
- The system resembles a VCR in my opinion (good or bad?)
- The console must connect at least once a day in order for it to play games..
- Ballpark price of $500.00
Playstation 4

- At the current moment, details are much more limited.
- We don't know what the console looks like yet!
- Ballpark price of $450.00
- The Controller comes with a handy touch screen interface (i'm uncertian at this point how useful that will become)
Both are stating that the next generation is not all about the games (although they will be much more improved ofcourse) but it is about being an all-in-one entertainment centre; connecting the console with such things as television capability. Both consoles will also come with an Eye/Kinect device as standard, a nice little touch.

Personally, the Playstation 4 is winning this particular battle for me, although the details are still rather limited so you never know what may happen.

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