Thursday, 4 September 2014

Downloading LOTRO. Which MMO is truly the best?

So I find myself downloading LOTRO. I think I’m bored. This must be the only reason as I have dabbled in LOTRO many years ago and since have delved into a wealth of MMOs of different types over the years, but have never stuck it out on any one specifically for an exceptionally long length of time.

Maybe I’m not the kind of guy for MMOs. Perhaps my attention span warrants a car racing game or a quick-fire shoot-em up. My craving however, that niggling feeling at the back of my mind always maintains. The craving for an MMO, any MMO. Just get me levelling up!

What are your thoughts and do you have any preference over MMOs? I note that all MMOs tend to follow the same basic structure, however they all have their unique selling points (most, at least).