Tuesday 5 February 2013

Have You Ever Seen A Ghost?

A question most of us may not be able to answer with 100% confidence. Whether this be because it was dark, we were half asleep or we just may not completely be sure what it was.

This includes myself, my only experience with a ghostly figure was from when i was much younger. It was the middle of the night but for some reason, my eyes were open and I was awake. I witnessed the emergence of a figure in the room, a figure resembling that of a woman but with a fine consistency whereby you could just about make out the outline of objects hiding behind her as she wandered around the room. The figure wore what seemed to be a polka dot dress, until she glanced across to me and spotted me watching her. She slowly moved over to the bed and in a gentle movement, her face came right up to my own as it gently passed through me; the figure was then never seen again.

I was strangely calm at witnessing this and easily fell back to sleep. Due to many factors, this could easily be part of a dream, or a trick of the light in an otherwise dark room. One thing is for sure though, I, like I've mentioned earlier, cannot be 100% confident on what happened and what I saw.

One thing to note however is that several years later when I was speaking to my mother about this, she also mentioned the fact that she also saw a woman in a poka dot dress when she was a child, just wandering about. More so, we had a friend of the family that had died before I was born, which always used to wear poka dot clothes.

Strange stuff, but overall I am still left skeptical on the whole aspect of ghosts.

1 comment:

  1. that happened to me but as an adult she was an elderly woman and I was shocked that she was in solid form then she went thru the wall I was wide awake my house was brand spanking new so was shocked that house had no prior history she never came back but the room always remained 5 degrees colder forever no matter what I did to warm that room up
