Friday 8 February 2013

Will World Of Warcraft Always Be At The Top?

Don't get me wrong, World of Warcraft is a great game, with great support and it has an in depth world to explore, great gameplay/crafting systems etc etc.. But is it time that something else took the MMO throne.. It has been 8 years (approximately) so surely we should be crying out for something different by now?

At its peak I believe the subscriber number was around the 11 million mark, which has dropped to somewhere around the 9.5 million mark in recent times. This sounds like a large shift, but when you relate these figures to other MMOs, World of Warcraft stands clearly as the victor.

What's your stance. Is it time that World of Warcraft lost its dominance? Are there any other games out there that you think would rightfully deserve it more?

Personally, there are games like Rift, for instance. Rift is similar to WoW in a lot of ways, but in a lot of others also improves on it (graphics and randomly generated rifts in the world for instance). Maybe Elder Scrolls Online could topple it? Extremely unlikely.

Is it possible that upwards of several million people are too far invested in WoW now, with their characters maxed out and so forth, that moving on would just seem crazy? This could be a good reason why WoW would remain at the top (not to mention it is still a top performer in its genre, even 8 years on).

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