Friday 18 January 2013

Terraria, Minecraft and now.. Blockheads

The block games continue as the latest game to release, called Blockheads, hits the app stores. The game is more similar to Terraria as it works off the 2D model and in a lot of ways, is much more casual and forgiving (I guess this is to be expected on a mobile device as this ensures maximum sales).

- You cannot fall to your death. You merely instruct your character where to go. If its possible to get to, your character will get there. If not, he/she will not move.

- Very little nighttime creatures. One of the first things I noticed at the end of the first day. I had built a shelter with doors, stored resources and created light. All in vein as no creatures came out at night to unleash an unholy attack on my little character. Disappointing in a way, but in another way, it makes it possible to explore through the night too.

- As with all casual games these days, the game is free. Free does not mean free though as everything you create, whether it be a weapon, tool or kiln, all requires time. You can pay £1.99 which will double the speed of creating such objects, which is a must, as otherwise it takes forever.

The game runs smoothly and this type of game fits well into the IPads touch screen controls. In some ways, this is a big advantage for this game over Terraria, but others may say that nothing beats the keyboard and mouse, each to their own!

So how does it stack up? Personally, if your looking for an in depth game with lots to do, or if your looking to just basically create something out of nothing, my personal opinion places Mineraft first, Terraria second and Blockheads third.

I wonder what may be next in this genre of block building RPG games and how they will adapt it into different games going forward, only time will tell. For the time being though, will it be Terraria, Minecraft or Blockheads..

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